Rewards Your Customers Will Love.

Instant Rewards that can be redeemed for cash, travel, gift cards, services, or donated.


  • Reward your customers with

  • That can be redeemed with your business, or converted to  at their face value.

  • Or can be converted instantly to cash, gift cards, services or donations at 50% of their face value.

  • Offer a 10% reward which could cost you as little as 5% when finally redeemed. Member's rewards never expire.

The Cost

  • A customer who has earned $50 of rewards with your business could for their next purchase at your business pay for $50 of goods with rewards alone.

  • If rewards are redeemed for travel $, cash, gift cards, services or donated, the cost to your business is 50% of the face value of the reward. 

  • You pay a 1% fee for all rewards issued at the time of the issue. $10 reward given will cost 10 cents to issue. You also pay a small commission on each transaction depending on your industry and business type.


  • Rewards that your customers can redeem in multiple ways are much more useful to them and can help sway their purchasing decision significantly, and create a much deeper loyalty to your brand and business.

  • Offering your customers a wide variety of reward options allows you to be competitive with the big box brands and major online retailers.

  • Offering instant rewards also makes for a compelling offer to customers.


  • Make use of our Instant Pay Network, every customer of yours who uses the BooknGoGo App can pay in-store at your counter ( or online) in under 2 seconds. Processing costs for Instant Pay transactions can be as low as 0.75%.

  • Keep more of your transaction revenue, offer meaningful rewards, and speed up your in-store transaction processing time.


Easy Setup

Sign up in seconds, and set up your business in a few minutes on our cloud-based platform. Super easy to use. Keep your existing systems, no need to change anything. You can run everything from our mobile APP.

Sign in

Simply define your reward levels. Setup your mini-site content with our easy to use drag and drop tools. Connect your bank account to your online wallet and to our   merchant processing for your sales transactions.


Gain lots of new customers within the BooknGoGo network.

Start offering your existing customers new and significantly useful reward options. 


Watch your sales grow and enjoy increased brand loyalty and more frequent customer contacts. Make use of our interactive technology to increase your sales, and significantly improve your customer experience.

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Offering all types of business a solution, from retail to services, membership or subscription, in store or online.

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Join and get access to  funds that members allocate to their favorite causes. Earn ongoing revenue from your supporters to turbo charge your fundrasing efforts.

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Bank your Influence. Earn rewards for your social actions. Manage all your content in one place and monetize your follower base. Take control of your influence.