Influencer Terms of Agreement

Thank you for considering the BooknGoGo Influencer affiliate program. Our affiliates are very important to us. This agreement is designed with you in mind, as well as protecting you, BooknGoGo and our Members. Please read thoroughly. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Affiliate Agreement

This agreement describes the terms and conditions for participation in the BooknGoGo Influencer affiliate program. In this agreement, the term "Affiliate" refers to you (the applicant). In this agreement, “BooknGoGo” refers to The World Wide Travel Network LLC, a California corporation, with whom you are entering this agreement. By applying to the BooknGoGo Business affiliate program you are confirming that you have read the agreement and agree to the terms and conditions  listed here, and you are also bound and agree to the general terms of service for the use of BooknGoGo and GoGoster which can be found  here.  And also the general Privacy Policy which can be found  here. 


For a sale to generate a commission due to the Affiliate, the member or customer must complete a purchase and remit full payment for the product or service. Commissions will only be paid on sales that are made when the Member or customer clicks through qualified, correctly structured Business Affiliate links, or when sales are made that create a Reward due to the Customer or Member. Commissions due can be viewed in the Affiliate Dashboard of the Centrics System.

Affiliates are entitled to 10% of any net margin earned by BooknGoGo on all transactions that will earn rewards, within the network, for any BooknGoGo Members that joined BooknGoGo and GoGoster using the Affiliates unique referral code. The Affiliate is entitled to these payments for as long as they remain an Affiliate.  Margin originates from commissions earned on pre-tax sales amounts for Bookngogo travel sales or any sales made with a BooknGoGo Business Affiliate.

Social Credit 

Affiliates who are curators on  are entitled to payment in Social Credits for their social actions as per the listed actions on BooknGoGo has the right to modify the value of these actions as it sees fit at any time.  Social credit can be converted to BooknGoGo dollars at any time instantly,  at the current exchange rate published on the GoGoster website and Bookngogo's website. BooknGoGo reserves the right to change this exchange rate without notice as it sees fit, and to limit the number of Influencer Affiliates that qualify for this payment based on a minimum follower count requirement or a total number of Influencers at a given time that will be allowed to qualify, the qualification will be based on 1st joined basis when a limitation is placed on total number of qualifying Affiliates, this may create an outcome were an Affiliate may go from being able to convert social credit to BooknGoGo$ to only being able to convert Social Credit to Travel Dollars, it will not preclude the Affiliate from continuing to earn Social Credit and in the future, this credit may again be able to be converted to BooknGoGo$ based on changes to the number of Influencers and the 1st in rule. BooknGoGo Dollars can be converted to travel bookings, cash, services, donations, and gift cards at full face value at any time.


Payments due for commissions due to the Affiliate from BooknGoGo are paid at the time of the sales transaction when the customer or Member is charged and has paid in full. The Affiliate can transfer this payment to their linked GoGo Wallet or GoGo Debit Card, transfer fees due will vary also based on the method of payment made to the Affiliate from  BooknGoGo.


In the event, a customer requests a refund for a transaction for which the Affiliate has been paid commission, any commissions, and amounts paid will be refunded by the Affiliates from their linked GoGo Wallet or charged to a saved credit card, or charged to their GoGo Debit Card. Processing fees may be incurred for this refund and will be a cost to the Affiliate, any original processing fees paid by the Affiliate will not be refunded. 

Usage and Obligations

Affiliates are permitted to use the BooknGoGo brand and marketing resources available. Logos and other assets cannot be modified. The Affiliate does not gain any trademark, copyright or any other rights to these materials. The Affiliate will never imply that they are acting on behalf of BookNGoGo and will never advertise BooknGoGo products directly.  The Affiliate will never represent themselves, BooknGoGo or their relationship with BooknGoGo in a false or misleading way. The Affiliate will not engage in the distribution of an unsolicited bulk email (spam) mentioning or referencing BooknGoGo. 

The Affiliate must at all times offer GoGo Rewards to customers and Members that make purchases from the online or in-person while they remain an Affiliate.

Term and Termination

Either party has the right to terminate the agreement immediately without prior notice.

If the Affiliate terminates the agreement, all commissions due to the Affiliate at the time of termination will be remitted to the Affiliate, the Affiliate will no longer be entitled to any further payments from transactions between Members and BooknGoGo or any Business Affiliates for any future transactions. 

BooknGoGo may terminate this agreement due to any failure by the Affiliate to meet its obligations due to BooknGogo, or BooknGoGo Members, any obligation due by the Affiliate does not terminate with the agreement termination and remains until fulfilled. The Affiliate will indemnify BooknGoGo for these obligations and will remain responsible.   All payments due to the Affiliate will be remitted in full at the point of termination by BooknGoGo the  Affiliate will no longer be entitled to any further payments from transactions between Members and BooknGoGo or any Business Affiliates after termination. 

Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflict of laws rules.


All claims and disputes arising under or relating to this Agreement are to be settled by binding arbitration in the State of California. An award of arbitration may be confirmed in a court of competent jurisdiction.


We may modify any of the terms and conditions within this Agreement at any time and at our sole discretion. These modifications may include, but not limited to changes in the scope of commissions, any fees, payment procedures, and Affiliate Program rules.

Obligations of the Affiliate

To remain in the  Influencer Affiliate program the Affiliate must post their regular content to as frequently as they might post on other platforms and cross-posting this content to all other social media platforms that the content can be cross-posted too,  that the Affiliate has an account on. The posts must include any required linkbacks or hashtags for both bookngogo and Gogoster to be included in the posts. 

The Affiliate must regularly invite their followers on the other social platforms they post too, to join BooknGoGo and GoGoster and to use their unique referral code link to do this.

The Affiliate must not post content that is offensive or would insight violence or harassment of any Member of our platform, or any content that could be considered to be illegal, or effect  BooknGoGo or GoGoster's good name.

An Affiliate must have at least 5000 active followers on any one social platform to remain qualified to be an Influencer and Curator on BooknGoGo and GoGoster.